Click Here for Nominet Terms and Conditions.
As the registrant you may contact Advanced Registrar using the form above or sending an email to us and we will endeavour to reply to your ticket within 24 hours / 1 business day.
Sending an email to the above email address will auto-generate a ticket for you, you will be sent details at time of creation on how to update your ticket.
You may also make an abuse report by sending an email to to us, please make sure you provide the domain name and reason for abuse, we will investigate and respond within 48 hours / 2 business day. Please do NOT spam the address with abuse complaints that are identical if you have not heard back within the above time frame.
If you wish to make a complaint against us the registrar as you the registrant, you have every right too, you can email the complaint department at this domain.
Our complaints team will reply to you acknowledging receipt within 2 working days and endeavour to investigate and respond within 10 working days, should further time be required to investigate we will email you within those initial 10 days stating this. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have the right to contact your local UK Trading Standards office or send a registered letter to the following address for the attention of our complaints manager:
FAO Complaints Manager
NetEarth, Suite 5, 7th Floor
City Reach
5 Greenwich View Place
London, E14 9NN.
Our complaints manager will then further investigate your complaint, but you need to be specific as to the complaint and why you feel the received response has not handled your complaint. Our complaint manager's response will be final ‐ this does not affect your statutory rights.